WalletHub Ranks 2019's Best Coffee Cities in America

But first, COFFEE!

Does anyone else RUN on coffee? Because I do FOR. SURE. Wake & brew, thats my motto. Just when I thought I lived in the best state ever, (New York) it got even better. Thanks to our friends at WalletHub, they released a list of 2019's Best Coffee in America in honor of National Coffee Day on September 29th aka the best day E.V.E.R.

The site viewed and judged 100 of the largest cities in America. These rankings came from coffee shops, coffee houses and even from the average price per pack of coffee. They even put crazy graphics and other coffee related rankings in the article. WalletHub put a lot of thought into this research and from ALL of us coffee lovers across the country...THANK YOU.

Just to give you a 'taste,' here are the top 5 best coffee cities in America:

#1: Seattle, WA

The iCarly gang could agree to that (iykyk):

#2: NEW YORK!!

Am I the only one that thought of this scene when I read where NYC ranked?!?!

#3: San Francisco, CA

Danny Tanner called it:

#4: Portland, OR

Need. Coffee. Now.

#5: Los Angeles, CA

Where my LA coffee lovers @?

The answer is...YES.

To see the whole list of cities and where yours ranks, click here to check it out.

Once again, thanks to our friends at WalletHub!

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