Trevor Daniel Describes Escaping His Apartment During Hurricane Harvey

Trevor Daniel, an artist who loved making music in his bedroom, turned out to be a huge TikTok sensation which led him to mainstream recognition.

His song “Falling,” which came out in 2018, became a popular song after being highly used by TikTok users on the app. Trevor thanks the app for helping the song reach popularity in a recent interview with Maxwell but emphasizes that the attention received did not happen overnight. Trevor has been making music for about 4 or 5 years now and reveals that he was not in the right headspace for that kind of attention back in 2018. His breakout single is currently number 37 in the top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100 and today he cannot be more thrilled with the attention his single is receiving. 

Trevor mentioned his experience with Hurricane Harvey in the interview and explained that he had no worries because his music equipment was safe.

“I knew I wanted to create and everything. My whole life that’s always what I wanted to do. Whenever the hurricane happened I grabbed a duffle bag of clothes and my music equipment. I came back in and everything else was messed up, but I got everything I cared about,” he tells Maxwell.

He is now selling out shows and hearing his fans singing his lyrics back to him, an image he thought would only be a dream.

You can watch Trevor Daniel’s entire interview with Maxwell below and be on the lookout for his first studio album in 2020.

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