People Are Putting Christmas Lights Up To Bring Cheer During Coronavirus

Right now we are in the middle of a pandemic and people are looking for a 'bright' side, something to distract them during a time of social distancing.

Twitter users across the country are saying it is time to put you Christmas lights back up. People are feeling scared right now with their schools closing, restaurants moving to takeout only and event being cancelled, everyone is self-quarantining in their own homes. Twitter user @lanegrindle says driving around to look at Christmas lights is a great activity to enjoy while you're keeping up with social distancing.

One Twitter user shares "A friend just shared that an elderly neighbor came to her house and asked her husband to turn on the Christmas lights because there's so much darkness and scariness now. So, there are bright dancing Christmas lights now on in their neighborhood."

Another user says "My youngest son was bored today and said, "can we put Christmas lights on our tree outside to cheer us up?" Great idea buddy. Lights are on tonight as a sign of hope and the sweet mind of my 10 year old."

If you're home with nothing to do, why not spread the kindness and hang your Christmas lights up... You may inspire your neighbors to do the same!

Photo: Getty

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