New Yorkers May Get Their Rent Suspended For 90 Days

Many New Yorkers who have lost their jobs due to coronavirus closings are worried they won't be able to pay their rent.

NYC renters feel Governor Cuomo's 90-day moratorium on all commercial and residential evictions as well as a three-month pause on mortgage payments owed is simply not enough. Fortunately, State Senator Michael Gianaris introduced a bill to the senate on Monday, March 23, which would suspend rent for the next 90 days for those affected by coronavirus. It already has 21 co-sponsors.

The official summary of the bill reads: "Suspends all rent payments for certain residential tenants and small business commercial tenants if such tenant has lost employment or was forced to close their place of business and certain mortgage payments for landlords of such tenants in the state for ninety days following the effective date of this act in response to the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Currently, the bill is in the "committee action" which means members of Standing Committees will decide whether it moves to the Senate floor for a final decision by all members. You are able to share your opinion on the bill during this phase with your local Senator or committee chairman, but the governor ultimately gets the final approval. Call 518-455-4100 to find your representative! 

Photo: Getty

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