Shelley Rome's ENT Report: P!NK Rewrote Her Will While Battling Covid

Where to begin with Ben Affleck? In case you missed it, he’s always been clear that he’s NOT on any dating apps. Apparently, he is. Or at least, was. According to TikToker Nivine Jay, the actor has not only been on Raya – that dating app celebs hang out on (which im on a waiting list for LOL) – he doesn’t take being turned down very well. As the story goes, they matched. She thought he was a she UNmatched. Ben? He sent a video asking her why she unmatched him. He wasn’t rude, but c’mon Ben, like you really didn’t think that vid would get out? Yeah... And it’s since gone viral. 

Remember when an iHop hostess went viral for losing Adam Sandler as a customer? He was masked, she didn’t recognize him and when he asked about the wait, she told him he left. She posted the security vid and begged him to come back. He’s now responding to her gone-viral vid. "For the record,” he writes on Twitter. “I only left the IHOP because the nice woman told me the all-you-can-eat deal didn’t apply to the milkshakes." He's soooo classy.

See the original video followed by his response...

Remember that infamous image of Paris Hilton wearing a shirt that read “Stop being poor?” It’s a case of photoshop, she says. For proof Paris posted the REAL pic AND a second reference pic of her wearing the shirt with pal Kimberly Stewart. What did the shirt really read? “Stop being desperate.” She notes, “Don’t believe everything that you read.”

Pink was one of the many stars who battled COVID last year, and in an interview with Mark Wright, she said that it prompted her to change her will because she thought she was not going to make it....(wow...very scary)....THANKFULLY....her and her family made it the interview below!


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