With the threat of the Delta variant looming across the country and in New York City, Mayor de Blasio pleaded with those who haven't been vaccinated in a press conference this week.
“This is in the category of give me a bleeping break. When did everyone get a medical degree? Yeah, I’m sick of everyone armchair saying that they know more than the doctors. With all due respect, it’s a free country. People have an entitlement to their opinion, but give me a break. Listen to the doctors who have been protecting you and saving the lives of your family and your community."
Other elected officials in the city have called for reinstating a mask mandate but de Blasio says he doesn't feel that's necessary unless NYC's health situation reaches a dire turning point.
“It is a problem to say to people, ‘You did the right thing, but now you have to put your mask back on,’” de Blasio said.
He blamed some of the hesitation on the blatant misinformation thats being spread by people around the country, calling the misinfo a "national disease."
As of Thursday, July 23, about 53% of NYC residents are fully vaccinated while 58% have at least one dose. Around 56% of all Americans are fully vaccinated. The CDC reports that we'd need to reach a vaccination rate between 70% and 90% to achieve herd immunity.
For more information on vaccination in NYC, click here.