Selena Gomez Deep Dives Into Why She Deleted All Social Media

Selena Gomez opened up about her life, public break-ups, and her illness in a recent interview with Elle magazine.

She said, "For a while, I felt like an object. It felt gross for a long time."

Selena went through many mental health issues including being diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and going through depression because of the public backlash over her break-up and her battle with Lupus.

Gomez said, "My lupus, my kidney transplant, chemotherapy, having a mental illness, going through very public heartbreaks — these were all things that honestly should have taken me down."

Selena also addressed removing Instagram from her phone and giving her passwords to her assistant.

She said, "I don’t have it on my phone, so there’s no temptation. I suddenly had to learn how to be with myself. That was annoying because, in the past, I could spend hours looking at other people’s lives. I would find myself down nearly two years in someone’s feed, and then I’d realize, 'I don’t even know this person!' Now I get information the proper way. When my friends have something to talk about, they call me and say, 'Oh, I did this.' They don’t say, 'Wait, did you see my post?'"

Have you taken social media breaks? How long was the longest time spent away from social media?

Photo: Getty Images

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