TikTok Has Had Enough Of Your #MilkCrateChallenge Videos

The FDA quickly deflected (and humorously) condemned participating in the #MilkCrateChallenge saying that they "can't recommend" participation, but maybe some milk would be better.

In the wake of the FDA's "advice," thousands of challenge videos and, presumably, thousands of injuries, TikTok has announced that they are in the process of pulling the challenge videos from their platform because they "glorify dangerous acts."

“TikTok prohibits content that promotes or glorifies dangerous acts, and we remove videos and redirect searches to our Community Guidelines to discourage such content,” a spokesperson for the platform told Fast Company. “We encourage everyone to exercise caution in their behavior whether online or off.”

TikTok seems to be the only platform attempting to remove the videos, while Instagram and Twitter are almost encouraging them.

With COVID surging in states all around the country, its important to keep in mind that getting yourself hurt doing something stupid could be taking life-saving care away from someone who actually needs it.

“Our hospitals are filled with COVID-19 patients, pushing staff to their limits to provide lifesaving care,” the Louisiana Department of Health said of the trend,WVLAreported. “Please stay safe. Your local hospital may not be able to help you if you get hurt.”

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