Bette Midler Suggests Sex Strike In Protest Of Texas Abortion Ban

Bette Midler came up with an idea to protest the Texas abortion ban...women should abstain from sex. It was of course met with cheers and boos....

"The cruelty of the #GOP is endless,"Midler wrote on Twitter."We are suffering COVID-19, hurricanes, apocalyptic flooding, wildfires from hell, joblessness, homelessness, evictions, racial strife, and they pick this hideous time to pile on yet another shock to women, by taking away their right to choose."

"I suggest that all women refuse to have sex with men until they are guaranteed the right to choose by Congress,"Midler suggested. 

She was praised by actress Rosanna Arquette and Nancy Sinatra, but conservator commentator Liz Wheeler wasn't so keen on idea,"If all women who would abort their babies refused to have sex if they weren't willing to take the responsibility of a baby… That's literally how it's supposed to work."

What do you think of Bette Midler’s “no sex” suggestion?


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