How To Find A Therapist And Other Questions On Prioritizing Mental Health

Is your New Year's resolution to prioritize your mental health this year?! Dr. Rachel Luckman sat down with Shelley Rome to answer all of your questions regarding therapy.

What is out of network versus in network? What is couples therapy like? What’s the most important part of finding a therapist? Do you have any self-help book recommendations? These questions and more are answered by Dr. Luckman above, however one of the most important questions is how does one even go about finding a therapist?

According to Dr. Luckman, step one is if you have insurance call your insurance company, as many times as possible and ask them what the in-network and out-of-network situation is. "The next thing I would do is go on Psychology Today. This organization verifies that we [psychologists on the site] are licensed and credentialed, so you can feel pretty comfortable that the people on that site are competent to be your therapist. You can also use Headway, which is a service that helps connect people to therapists through insurance."

Watch Dr. Luckman's full interview with Shelley Rome above to have all your questions about therapy answered!

***Correction to video an average couple waits 6* years to go to therapy, not 7.

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