Moms And Dads Share The Weirdest Thing They’ve Been Parent-Shamed For!

Parenting is HARD and no matter what you do EVERY single person in your life, even strangers, will have an opinion about the way you’re raising your kids. The worst is when judgement comes from people who do have any kids of their own.

Well, a parent asked the “Toddlers” section on Reddit, “What’s the weirdest thing you’ve been parent-shamed for recently” and hundreds of moms and dads chimed in. Some of these answers are surprising and absolutely absurd.

  • “I was shamed by my childless sister-in-law for not making separate, more bland meals for my daughter …apparently, I’m borderline abusing my child by ‘forcing’ her to eat ‘adult’ food.” But like....what??? My mom NEVER cooked with salt as a kid and my pallet has suffered because of it LOL
  • “Letting my kid wear jammies all day. He changes, just into other jammies. We’re not going anywhere, so why can’t he wear comfortable clothes? That’s why I have a drawer full of leggings.” Leggings are def the adult jammies...
  • “Telling my three-year-old she came out of a vagina and not a belly button.” HONESTY is important!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • “Asking my mom to hold the baby while I took a shower. Apparently, real moms just leave their infants on the bathroom floor to sort themselves out while they shower, especially when staying at the grandparent’s house.” OK...NOOOO!
  • “Breastfeeding my baby in my own car.”
  • “SO much criticism and whining that I won’t force my kids to hug and kiss family members. Um, you can ask but if they say no too bad. Sorry I’m respecting their boundaries and letting them have control over their bodies?” AMEN!!!!!!!!!
  • “A friend said I parent my girls like boys” What does this even mean?
  • “I was told my kid would get ulcers if I feed him sour food. He loves pickles.”
  • “For not ‘giving my daughter a sibling’”

Source Reddit


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