5 Drinks to Melt Belly Fat Faster And One Of Them Is Coffee!

According to dietitians, there are no such things as “fat burning beverages” or liquid drinks that will destroy your fat cells. It's quite sad that I am willing to try anything to "lose weight" and "burn fat" but eat heathy and exercise which is probably the only real way to do it. However, there are some drinks that can HELP melt fat faster by curbing your cravings.  HEY, every little bit helps!

Calorie-free beverages like seltzer water, and fruit flavored water are a good place to start. Theres nothing more refreshing than a cold glass of seltzer..so YAY!

Green Tea which not only contains caffeine, but also a component that can help enhance the ability to burn fat.

Unsweetened black tea which has been found to help shed more inches from your waistline over time in people who have three or more cups a day. 3 or more???? Thats intense.

Coffee, which is not only an effective appetite suppressant, but also "some research demonstrates that 'caffeine stimulates thermogenesis,' essentially causes our body to produce more heat and burn extra calories and energy.” This is ALWAYS my go to! SOOO, I like this one!

Finally, whey protein shakes and other meal replacements drinks, which can aid in suppressing your appetite, and result in a reduction of belly fat. EHH, not a fan of these but apparently they do have some benefits.


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