Trying Out Rockefeller Center's New Roller Rink!

Yesterday, Maxwell and Crystal took over Rockefeller Center Ice Rink which has turned into a roller skating rink thanks to Flipper's!

The duo took the rink by storm with listeners, Crystal in all her glamour and Maxwell.... well he had some trouble with his first time on the skates! Watch below to see how much fun we had at the rink!

On April 15, Rockefeller Center turned into a roller skating rink. The rink is coming from Liberty Ross, the daughter of Ian "Flipper" Ross who opened the famous Flipper's Roller Boogie Palace in Los Angeles in 1979. It will be a place where “punk rockers and disco queens could come together,” in the center of New York City.

The activation will be around from April to October this year with hours from 10am-10pm Monday-Wednesday, 10am-12am Thursay-Friday, 8am-12am on Saturdays and 8am to 10pm on Sundays.

Tickets can be reserved online here, costing $20 for adults, plus $10 for skate rentals.

They will even have themed nights and special performances!

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