Pink Reveals The Emotional Message Behind New Album 'TRUSTFALL'

Photo: Rachel Kaplan for iHeartRadio

In her two decades and counting in the music industry, P!nk has become known for her distinctive voice and her jaw-dropping acrobatic performances but it's her unapologetic approach to songwriting that has kept audiences coming back for more. Whether she's writing about partying, break ups, death, or her political beliefs, Pink never minces words. Life is messy and Pink's music has always unflinchingly reflected that complicated truth. Her ninth studio album TRUSTFALL, which arrived on February 17th, is no different.

Pink celebrated its release with an iHeartRadio Album Release Party at the top of the Empire State Building (the event was actually Pink's first time in the building) and fans from all over were able to tune into the intimate event on February 21st. In addition to a musical performance, Pink also sat down with iHeartRadio's Elvis Duran to discuss everything TRUSTFALL which she calls "the album I’m most proud of."

Kicking off the night with music, Pink flawlessly sang her 2013 hit with Nate Reuss of Fun. "Just Give Me A Reason" before chatting with Duran about her new music. When asked what the title of the album TRUSTFALL meant, Pink revealed,

"I feel like living and getting out of bed and participating in elections, dropping your kids off at school, having relationships, being vulnerable, having parents getting older. Just all of it feels like it requires a lot of trust from us these days. I think that a lot of the time we feel like we're falling backward and we don't know where the ground is. Life is also beautiful but it's an interesting time right now and it requires a lot of faith and a lot of trust. That was the theme of the last three years of my life and it all came together in what I think is a beautiful, beautiful body of work."
P!nk Visits The Empire State Building

Photo: Getty Images for iHeartRadio

Critics and fans alike have noted how Pink manages to confront the grief and pain of her last three years on TRUSTFALL while also calling it "the most fun" album she's ever made. "That's what we do every day," she told Duran. "9 o'clock went well. 10 o'clock was really bad. 11 o'clock I'm gonna reel it back in, get it back together. 12 o'clock I just had the best hour of my life. That's how life is and it's all happening, there's nothing we can do about it."

"I'm like a walking wound in the world. Losing a parent and having a child be sick and having a 17-year marriage is wonky some days. And watching the news, all of it. It's all over the place but then you get to a certain point where you're like, 'Enough! Too much! I just want to turn it up to 11 and just dance and roller skate in the kitchen.' And that's the album," she said. "It's just that messy rollercoaster."

Pink opens the album with "When I Get There," a moving ballad dedicated to her late father Jim Moore, who passed away in 2021. "The sequencing of this album was so important to me and it was really difficult," she said of opening with such an emotional track. "There [are] two feelings [on the album.] It's loss and grief and the pain of being a human being but also let's party cause I've had it. If the world is ending, we need to be dancing." Pink went on to say that she prefers to have hard conversations over superficial small talk and starting with a song about the grief of losing her father was her way of getting real with listeners right away.

In addition to the new album, Pink also announced the "Summer Carnival Tour" which kicks off in July. Performing live is an escape for the singer from the everyday stressors of life. "You put a microphone in my hand and it's just pure animalistic primal being," she said. "It's the time when my brain is not doing the work. My body is doing the work and it feels really nice."

If Pink had to choose one message that she wants to share from the new album, she revealed it would be: "We're all in this together. It's just community, that's all. I don't know how to explain that. I think that's the point of listening. We don't talk our albums, we sing them and there are instruments. It makes us feel. It helps us feel. In order to survive we have to put our feelings away a lot of the time and so music brings us back to our feelings."

"We're all walking around with this low-level trauma and we have to get it out. Music is my way and then we all get together and have this group therapy concert thing that we do and we heal each other." To drive that idea home, the event concluded with a music-to-light show to Pink's joyous single "Never Gonna Not Dance Again."

Check out TRUSTFALL on iHeartRadio.

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