Hello loves,
Rihanna is grieving the loss of Monia, one of her biggest fans and member of the Rihanna Navy from Germany, who died from her third battle with cancer on Christmas. Rihanna had visited her in the hospital and was in touch with Monia, following her journey via social media, offering words of hope and encouragement throughout her struggle. Rihanna posted a photo with a beautiful caption as well as a video of the two together.
Rihanna captioned her Instagram photo with Monia:
"Navy Angels! This Christmas, we lost a beautiful spirit who was such a pillar of strength to us! Most of our friendship she’s spent in a hospital or doctor’s office! This picture was just a few months ago, she looked at me and said “Rih the cancer is back” I’ll never forget the fear in her eyes this day! Still she pushed forward, fighting the fight everyday with the Navy behind her supporting her every step of the way! We are all heartbroken about this!!! You will never be forgotten! Love you my angel @moniasto fly in peace."
Sending love and comfort to all who knew, loved and were touched by Monia. On her Instagram profile, Monia called Rihanna her "queen and inspiration in life". I hope she found joy in meeting and having a relationship with her "fave" in her lifetime here.
Erica America