Erica America

Erica America

Erica America is on air for New York's #1 Hit Music Station, Z100. Full Bio


Ariana Grande Teases New Music #POSITIONS

Ariana Grande has her fans super-excited after she posted a video of her typing the word "POSITIONS" in a social media post to Twitter and Instagram. I nicknamed her Arianators "Ari Detectives" today because we were all trying to figure out what this means for her new album! We already know she will be releasing new music from a tweet she posted a few days ago. Now we have the name "Positions", we know that The Weeknd reposted the video (possible collaboration??), and oh, that she has an amazing french manicure (LOL).

Let's see if any more clues will come our way! EDIT: Ariana has since tweeted a link to her website where there are TWO countdowns underneath the word 'POSITIONS'. Could it be a new song and then new album? This is getting more and more exciting!

Photo: Getty Images

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