It's been a pretty wild year already for Pat Sajak. TheWheel of Fortune host has made many headlines over the past few months. Some have been sweet, like his recent announcement thathis son, Patrick, had completed medical school and is now a doctor. Others have been sad, like his revelation that he had to say goodbye to his dog of 12 years, Stella.
Then there are the stories about the things he's done onWheel. In February, he made a pretty big gaffe,opening the prize for the final round before the puzzle, as opposed to when it is supposed to be revealed at the end of the round. In March, he made a suggestive comment to a contestant. In November, hecalled a contestant ungrateful, and in December he had a rather icy exchange with a player over a bad pun. Then there was his most controversial conduct in February, when Sajak allegedly made fun of a player's lisp. It happened after that contestant spoke about himself, when Pat responded "I see," but seemed to say it as "I thee." The remark had people calling for his resignation.
Sajak, who has been hosting the game show for over 38 years, never really addressed the uproar over the incident, but that might have changed in a recent tweet... maybe. Pat simply wrote, "I apologize," but included no context around it, leaving his followers unsure of what he was sorry about.