On Friday, August 13, the second payment of the child tax credit will be sent out. The first one was sent out on July 15th and saw eligible households receive up to $300 for every child under the age of six in their family, and $250 for each kid ages 6 to 17. Those homes will be getting the same amount on the 13th. There also going to receive that every month after that through the end of the year.
In a tweet, the White House recently stated they want the benefit around for "years and years to come."
You'll receive the check Friday the 13th instead of the 15th since the 15th is on a Sunday. Friday, August 13, the second payment of the child tax credit will be sent out. The first one was sent out on July 15th and saw eligible households receive up to $300 for every child under the age of six in their family, and $250 for each kid ages 6 to 17. Those homes will be getting the same amount on the 13th. There also going to receive that every month after that through the end of the year.
In a tweet, the White House recently stated they want the benefit around for "years and years to come."
You'll receive the check Friday the 13th instead of the 15th since the 15th is on a Sunday.