Josh Martinez

Josh Martinez

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Is This The WORST DOG Name Of All-Time?

In a Reddit post that has gone viral, a woman asked followers in the r/AmITheAsshole page if the name she gave her adopted dog was offensive and awful?

SPOILER ALERT: Yes. Yes it is.

As she wrote in the post:

We found a stray puppy during the start of our lockdown. Started by feeding him scraps in the back garden where we were spending so much of our time. Now he's moved in and is probably going to stay unless someone comes forward to claim him (we put a notice up in some village shops about him).

We called him Covid because that's why we found him - spending all our time at home. We have now started taking him out for walks - which he loves. But yesterday a couple heard us calling his name while playing by the beach. They came over and told us that its insensitive as they lost an uncle to the virus. They said how would we feel if they called their pet cancer or death?

One user replied:

I mean, use practically any other example and it looks REALLY bad really fast. Would you name a dog AIDS and go running around in public yelling "Here AIDS! Come here boy, thats a good AIDS!"? Or "Holocaust, come here Holocaust!"

I mean if nothing else, running around on the beach shouting "COVID! COVID!" could be construed as yelling FIRE! in a crowded theater.

Just not smart any way you slice it...

While another Redditor chimes in with:

"Oh that's my dog, 9/11. We call him that because we found him the day all those people died. Pretty cute story right?" 

Does everything need to be an offensive joke? 

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