Nancy Crampton-Brophy is a self-published romance writer, who published an essay detailing different motives for murdering your spouse along with various ways to kill your partner.
That essay led authorities to arrest the 71-year-old on suspicion of shooting her husband of 27 years, Chef Daniel Brophy.
The chef was found dead of a gunshot wound in his back and chest in the kitchen at the Oregon Culinary Institute on June 2, 2018.
The very next day, his wife posted a Facebook status saying:
"I have sad news to relate. My husband and best friend, Chef Dan Brophy was killed yesterday morning.
Homegirl was eventually arrested on the suspicion of murder. She pleaded not guilty to all charges.
The trial finally began Monday 4/4 after delays from COVID.
The case blew up in the media world after it was discovered Crampton-Brophy's wrote an essay about murdering your husband. In the intro to "How To Murder Your Husband" she writes:
"As a romantic suspense writer, I spend a lot of time thinking about murder and, consequently, about police procedure."
Prosecutors allege that she murdered her husband in an effort to cash in on his $1.5 million life insurance policy. Her fictional essay detailed financial reasons as the number one motive for murdering your spouse. She even wrote:
"Divorce is expensive, and do you really want to split your possessions? Or if you married for money, aren't you entitled to all of it?"
The trial is under way.