Hispanic Heritage Month starts September 15th and goes through October 15th. This month we celebrate many key Hispanic figures who helped shape the world we live in today. We continue to remember them as pioneers for people in the Latinx culture and thank them for their bravery in fighting for representation and equality in America and around the world.
Cesar Chaves was born in Arizona to a Mexican American family. His family moved to California during the Great Depression to become farm workers where he grew his passion in fighting for farmers rights.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is the youngest female to ever be elected to Congress. Born in the Bronx she is of Puerto Rican descent and sponsored a bill known widely as the Green New Deal which addressed climate change and helped create economic prosperity through environmentally sustainable jobs.
Ellen Ochoa was born in Los Angeles and raised in La Mesa, California and recieved her PhD in engineering from Stanford University which helped her become the first Hispanic woman in space. She joined NASA in 1988 as a research engineer and was selected to be an astronaut in 1990.
Sylvia Rivera with Venezuelan- and Puerto Rican-American descendants was a key leader in the Sylvia Rivera was an LGBTQ rights movement. At a popular gay bar in 1969 in NYC Rivera was a patron who infamously resisted an unlawful raid by police. She then went on to be the co-founder of the Gay Liberation Front.
Rita Moreno was born in Rosita Dolores Alverio and was the first Hispanic woman to win an Academy Award and is one of few people to hold the honor of being a “PEGOT” (Peabody, Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony Awards) winner. She is most famous for her portrayal of Anita in the 1962 film West Side Story. Moreno has been candid about emotional trials in her life that include a deep depression and a suicide attempt during a tumultuous relationship
You can check out more key figures of the Hispanic community HERE.
Photo: Getty Images