Rising pop star, Lauren Spencer-Smith joins Maxwell and Crystal to talk all about her love for FaceTime, song 'Fingers Crossed,' seeing Adele in concert and more.
Our iHeartRadio's new On The Verge artist, was so excited to sit on Zoom with Maxwell and Crystal. Her song "Fingers Crossed" is the heartbreak song we need right now. The chorus goes: "So I, I want all the tears back that I cried/ All the hours spent giving advice/ On how to write your songs/ All you did was prove me wrong/ When you said you loved me/ Well, you must've had your fingers crossed."
Lauren-Spencer Smith even reveals her love for Adele and how she has tickets to go see her in Las Vegas. "They have always wanted to go their whole lives," Lauren says about the friends she is going with to the show, "I have seen her before," she says but continues saying she really wants to go because she wants to see them enjoy it for the first time!
Watch our full interview with Lauren Spencer-Smith above!