Khadjia Tudor of The Life Wellness Center in Brooklyn joins Maxwell and Crystal for Women's History Month to talk about her business.
"I'm a mom, I have five children by birth," Tudor explains to the show before explaining that she also felt like a mom to so many others in her life. However she realized that giving everything of herself to everyone around her wasn't doing any good. "Putting yourself first, making sure you make yourself the priority," Tudor explains, "Idea of taking care of yourself first and let everyone else get the overflow."
After meeting her now husband, Tudor realized that "Being present and taking care of myself was the elixir to dealing with all the stuff coming at me." And that is how she started her business. The Life Wellness Center is a space that reminds you and inspires you to take care of your own "physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being."
Tudor and her husband created the Life Wellness Center in 2015.
You can watch our full interview with Tudor above as well as check out the services of The Life Wellness Center here.