Maxwell & Crystal

Maxwell & Crystal

Maxwell & Crystal Each Weekday On Z100 New York From 2pm - 6pm!


Em Beihold On Hearing Her Song 'Numb Little Bug' On The Radio

Em Beihold is joining Maxwell and Crystal in the Z100 studios to talk about "Numb Little Bug," loving the way Ashe performs, going on tour, fencing with her dad as a kid and more!

The singer heard her song on the radio for the first time and describes the feeling, "I'm loving New York... driving over we heard 'Numb Little Bug' on the radio. It's not processing. It's exciting, I feel like there's two of me, the public face and then me, a little egg who is confused about everything."

Later, Beihold talks about going on tour and loving every moment of it. Watch the interview in the video player above.

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