Demi Lovato joins Maxwell and Crystal to talk all about HOLY FVCK her upcoming album on August 19th. In the meantime, Lovato put out the song 'SUBSTANCE.' A song that may have a different meaning to what people may think just from the title..
"I come up with song concepts and song titles before I write the song," Lovato explains to Maxwell and Crystal, "What I thought would really be interesting is if I came up with a song called 'Substance' and everyone would think it's about 'substances' because of my history."
Lovato continues:
But when you listen to it, it actually doesn't have to do with that. It could depending on how you interrupt it, but the song is about how we live in a world that really lacks human connection and that goes for the way we interact with each other on social media, it's not like a phone call anymore... You'll go years without friends that you used to have cause you have social media now and you think that you're close to them because of that. The content we can take is just fluff. From reality shows to being on TikTok today.
Watch our full interview with Demi Lovato above and be sure to listen to her song SUBSTANCE out now!