How Your Brain Is Preparing You For The Crazy Things In Life

We've all been jolted out of bed in the wee hours of the morning, waking up from one of those wild dreams and thinking, "how could my brain even make that up?" Maybe you've jumped out of your bed after getting that very realistic feeling of falling in your dream. Or if you're like me, you grew up with recurring dreams of something that isn't physically possible: I used have a recurring dream that the moon was eating me like a cracker while I slept in my bed. Please don't ask.

There's actually a scientific explanation behind this sometimes concerning overnight occurrences, its just our brain preparing us for when whack ish actually happens in real life. Researcher at Tufts University Erik Hoel explains how our brains create "dropout" dreams to keep us from getting too used to the boringness of real life, "It is the very strangeness of dreams in their divergence from waking experience that gives them their biological function."

So no need to freak out over your teeth falling out or getting robbed on the street or being held at gunpoint (oh my god?????), in your dreams at least. Just your brain keeping you on your toes!

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