There is nothing I love more than pickles. Don't @ me, they're amazing. So what did I do when I found out there was only one remaining pickle shop in the Lower East Side pickle district in Manhattan? I went.
The Pickle Guys located at 357 Grand St, New York, is THE SPOT for all pickle lovers. They have pickled everything.. No, I mean EVERYTHING. Pickled brussels sprouts, pickled mango, pickled pineapple. Food I didn't even know needed to be pickled were pickled. They had sweet pickles, sour pickles, 'bread and butter' pickles, anything you could ever imagine. As far back as 1910, Essex street was THE spot for pickles in Manhattan. Today they are the only pickle shop left. The Pickle Guys make their pickles from an old Eastern European recipe "Just the way mom use to make them." They have old traditional items like pickled watermelon & russell borscht.
I seriously tried and ate everything. Don't believe me? Watch for yourself!