Working in restaurants can be a thankless job due to unreasonable customers.
Buzzfeed asked servers in their community to share SOME things customers do that anger them the most and here's what they said....
Using the “I know the owner card”- "One time, a customer was throwing a fit because I wouldn’t give her stuff for free, and she threw the 'I know the owner' at me. I smiled at her and said, 'Yes, I know him too, as he’s my boss. I know he wouldn’t be okay with me giving away free product.'" OUCH....
Not picking up their to-go order on time- "People come 40 minutes late or after closing time to pick up their food when people just want to go home." I used to work as a hostess at a Deli and honestly people that do this are THE WORST!!!!!!!!!
Applauding a broken dish– “Clapping when glasses break seems like such a d*ck move." HA HA HA (I've done this but never will again)
Stealing a server’s pen- "Not tipping is a jerk move. Stealing my pens when I have five to six tables all splitting checks? Just heartless." ....I am totally a pen thief...but not just in's not something I'm proud of.
Yelling at a cashier for kitchen’s mistake- "I understand bringing it back if your food is missing something, and I have no problem getting it corrected for you, but if you start throwing shade at me for no reason, then I will be annoyed."
Ordering food to-go and then sitting down and eating it to avoid tipping– “They would leave a huge mess of their to-go boxes and expect us to wait on them too." NOT COOL.
Camping out at tables after closing- "I still have to clean up after you leave, so you staying until midnight when we close at 9:30 affects me (and others) more than you may realize."
Tipping with praise only- "I always say that the folks who tell you how great you are but barely tip you are giving you a 'verbal tip' to make up the difference." I mean I get it...'verbal tips' don't pay the bills.
Letting children run wild- "Teach them to behave at a restaurant, or keep them at home."