Shelley Rome

Shelley Rome

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The Seven Types Of Toxic People And How To Figure Out If You’re One Of Them

We all use the word toxic quite a bit when referring to certain kinds of people. We at times may even be a bit toxic ourselves if were being honest with. Here are the seven main types of toxic people that Molly Owens and her team at Truity say you’re most likely to run into.. (or be)

  • The Karen- If you want to avoid becoming a Karen meme, it’s best to check your entitlement. Karens believe they deserve special attention and when they don’t get it they’re reactive, aggressive, and angry.
  • The Mansplainer- Arrogance is the key term with Mansplainers. These toxic people are overconfident but underqualified and judgmental to boot. They truly believe others are inferior and uneducated and they must teach them.
  • The Drama Llama- If you’ve ever posted a review in all caps, you might be a Drama Llama. These folks demand attention and support from others beyond normal boundaries and go overboard with emotions if they don’t.
  • The Slacker- If you’re lazy, aimless, unreliable, and indecisive, congratulations! You’re a slacker. Enjoy all the angry looks from your coworkers.
  • The Con Artist- Selfishness personified. Con artists are manipulative, deceitful, and their first instinct is always to influence others to achieve favorable outcomes for themself.
  • The Debbie Downer- If you have the ability to suck the energy right out of a room, you might be a Debbie Downer. These folks are relentlessly negative and can find the worst aspect of every situation.
  • The Control Freak- This toxic person believes their way is theonly wayto do things, they’re controlling, and they’re judgmental as hell.

Want to know which one you are? Take the Toxic Person Test HERE.

I took the test and I got....

The Drama Llama

I'm a Drama Llama. I think I am deeper and more unique than most people, but am actually just high-maintenance. Self-awareness is the first step!

Source:NY Post


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