Need a push to get through the mid afternoon or pre-dinner slump? Lots of us feel that energy slump and are dragging through the rest of the day, luckily there are healthy ways to get that boost we need.
- Eat every three to four hours- Going too long without eating can cause a dip in energy, so registered dietitian nutritionist Elizabeth DeRobertis advises snacking on something every three to four hours.
- Eat healthy protein- It takes the body longer to break down protein and it holds you over longer, plus you may have more energy after eating a higher protein breakfast.
- Go for fiber-rich carbs- Fruit and whole grains provide energy from carbohydrates, but they’re also high in fiber, so the energy is long-lasting. On the flip side, simple carbs flood the body with sugar, which can give you a boost that can quickly be followed by a dip in energy.
- Avoid empty calories- Given a choice, pick a 100-calorie portion of nuts over a 100-calorie portion of pretzels, because the nuts are high in protein and fiber and will give you more energy than the less nutrient-dense pretzels.
- Stay hydrated- Not drinking enough water can keep you from feeling energized, so keep sipping.
- Avoid caffeine for energy- So many of us grab another coffee when we can’t stop yawning during the day, and while caffeine can help with a short-term energy spike, it can actually decrease energy afterward and nobody wants that.
- Workout more- Increasing exercise can boost your energy level in a few ways. DeRobertis explains that it produces more feel-good hormones, known as endorphins, plus, it increases the heart’s pumping volume, which strengthens circulation.
- Try some self-care- Energy comes from two sources: physical energy and emotional or psychological energy. So before you down more caffeine or a candy bar from the office vending machine, think about whether you need a physical or emotional boost. Food might not give you the lift you need, but self-care like a quick walk outside for fresh air and sunshine might do the trick.