Gen Z and Millennials are spending like our credit card is on fire. ME ME ME ME ME!!! (help)
A new survey found that 69% of us are getting back to spending money on things we missed because of COVID-19 and 59% are spending more cash than they ever have before. Understandable....we weren't allowed outside for a whole year!!!!!!!
Over half have splurged on a trip (still haven't been anywhere outside of New York) while 49% have been dropping money on fancy drinks and dinners. What do the two major spending categories have in common? They both involve spending some quality time with loved ones which I think is kind of awesome minus the 20 dollar drinks.
But before the Boomers all lose their minds, they’ll be happy to know we’re still being responsible. The majority of Millennials and Gen Z managed to save at least $1,000 since the pandemic kicked off and they’re being quite practical with it. Almost 40% said they're using it to pay off their student loans, 32% are using it on rent, and 29% are making payments on their credit cards. YAYAYAY US!
Source:Study Finds
Are you spending more than you ever have before AND what are you splurging on? I am definitely spending more on my apartment than I ever have before but at least its making me happy and love my home.