That stage in a new relationship when you still get butterflies before it turns more serious is exciting, but it can also be the stage when you overthink every last thing you do. It is so emotionally draining and so stressful. Honestly, it can also make you hesitant to want to start a new relationship.
Relationship experts suggest doing these things in the early days of a romance to create a strong base for a successful relationship, so you can spend less time stressing and more time enjoying it.
-Text back as quickly as you want- Ever waited hours to text or call back, just to seem cool? TherapistJeff Guenthersays when you’re seeing someone new, don’t be afraid to text them back when you see their message because those quick response times can “create a ton of security” right off the bat.
-Take turns making plans- If one person becomes the “planner,” it can lead to resentment all around. PsychologistDr. Kelly Campbellrecommends trading off who initiates plans so one partner isn’t doing all the work.
-Be curious- When you’re interested in someone new, ask questions about their thoughts, goals and daily life so you can find out all about them. Guenther suggests remembering small details about their day to ask about later and therapist Lindsey Antin says curiosity also means keeping an open mind to try to see this person for who they really are.
-If you like them, tell them- According to these relationship experts, playing hard to get is overrated. While you don’t want to lovebomb someone, it’s okay to be honest and open about how much you like spending time with them.
-Add variety- Mix things up early so you don’t get stuck in a rut at the start of the relationship.
-Assume they like you back- Don’t let your self-doubt sabotage things before they get going. Guenther says to “stop scanning for reasons they might not be interested in you” or you could create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
-Be honest and be yourself- Sure, it sounds corny, but it’s good advice. We’re often so busy worrying about making a good impression that we aren’t ourselves in front of our love interest. Relationship coach Chris Armstrong explains, “The one thing you should do at the start of every relationship is be who you are from day one.”