Shelley Rome

Shelley Rome

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Common Sleep Habits That May Be Making You More Tired!

We are ALL desperate to do anything for a good night’s sleep! There are so many tips out there that promise to help us fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer. Sleep expert James Wilson says some of these "so-called hacks" could be the reason we are not sleeping as well as we could be and in fact are actually myths that may be making us more tired by throwing off our sleep routines.

Myth 1: Go to bed early - He calls this the “most damaging” sleep tip and instead advises people to go to bed when they’re tired. He points out that only about 10% of people are early birds and if you’re not one of them, hitting the sack early won’t actually help you sleep. In fact, he says any time you spend in bed and not asleep is “dangerous” because it may stress you out and the more stressed you are, the less likely you are to fall asleep. This is the worst feeling in the world.

Myth 2: Strive for eight hours - That’s amount of sleep is luxury for most people and Wilson says not getting eight hours isn’t the end of the world. Instead, he suggests getting as many hours as you need to feel alert and active the next day.

Myth 3: Nap if you’re tired - Some people swear by a midday snooze, but naps can make it tougher for others to fall asleep at night. So this sleep expert suggests just toughing it out and waiting for bedtime to sleep. I am not a great napper. I will never understand people who can just randomly fall asleep in the middle of the day.

Myth 4: Catch upon sleep on the weekend - We’re all guilty of sleeping in on the weekend to make up for not getting enough rest during the week, but Wilson recommends sticking to your weekday routine instead. Sleeping late on the weekends can throw off your sleep schedule, so by Sunday night, your body is confused and can’t snooze. They call it social jet lag and a restless Sunday night leads to a groggy Monday, which starts the cycle all over again. I do this ALL THE TIME!

Myth 5: Use a weighted blanket - They’re a hot trend and some folks think they really improve their sleep, but they don’t work for everyone. “We're always looking for that magic bullet when it comes to sleep, and unfortunately, there isn’t one,” Wilson explains. “It’s trying stuff and working out what works for you.” I've tried these...they just make me feel trapped and confined in my bed LOL


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