A Twitter thread has people revealing the strangest things men have done while on dates with them and my jaw is no the floor. A user started it all off by sharing, “My friend’s date last night ate her entire sushi roll while she was in the bathroom.” But like, WHAT???
These are some of the hilarious horror stories shared by others:
- “Guy took me on a date to the aquarium once and the WHOLE TIME he kept saying how stupid fish are and how angry they make him. So I asked him why he would bring me here on a date then and I kid you not he said ‘I just wanted to make sure you knew how stupid I think fish are.’”
- “On a first date, a guy kept asking me if I was ‘open-minded.’ When I asked why, he finally said that he used to worship a guru in the California desert, and one time the guru had resurrected a duck.”
- “He said he was a vegan for both health and ethical reasons and couldn’t pay for my burger in good conscience. He ordered fried mozzarella sticks and fried calamari. I went to the bathroom and left out the side door.”
- “Once on a date a guy rubbed his thumb across my eyebrow in an attempt to see if my eyebrows are real mid conversation.”
- “Guy asked if I’ve ever shot a gun before. He liked to hunt & go target shooting. Target shooting sounded like a fun first date! It was not. He took me to the city dump to shoot rats. I swear every word is true.”
- “One time I ate something I didn't like (texture thing) and the guy had me spit it out into his hand and then ate it. He said he would have had me ‘mama bird’ him but it was our first date and he didn’t want to freak me out”
- “Went on a date once where the guy kept spitting in his hands to moisturize them like lotion, then proceeded to try to feed me sushi with his spitty hands. I left immediately.”
- “This dude I liked blew it on the second date with the most epically red flag filled sentence ever spoken by a human. ‘Can you explain to me what gaslighting is, because my mom and my ex say I do it all the time … and I think they’re wrong.’”
Here's the thread If you wanna laugh some more....