Shelley Rome

Shelley Rome

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24 Actors Who Regret The Films They Did...I Agree With A Lot Of This List!

Some of Hollywood's biggest stars don't always end up making a film they love or that audiences loved.

The Independent put together a list of 24 actors who have admitted they regret a certain movie they starred in. Here are a few of them.

  • George Clooney - Batman & Robin (1997) 
  • Halle Berry - Catwoman (2004)
  • Ben Affleck - Daredevil (2003)
  • Brad Pitt - The Devil's Own (1997)
  • Ryan Reynolds - Green Lantern (2011)
  • Charlize Theron - Reindeer Games (2000)
  • Sandra Bullock - Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997)

What's a movie you were so excited to see, then walked away going "I can't believe I wasted two hours watching that..." For me its definitely the first Twilight. I just never got into it!

HERE is the full list


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