When Molly Healy and Matthew Gnoza decided to get married, they knew they wanted to do it on skies which is beyond my comprehension. However, they are from Vermont and are both avid skiers and even had their first date on a ski mountain, so it was only logical to them. “We both knew getting married on skis made sense for us, we aren’t warm weather, tropical kind of people,” Molly says.
On March 12th, they suited up and made their way up Bromley Mountain in Peru, Vermont. It may have been an unconventional location for a wedding, but the bride did wear white and she even had a veil attached to her beanie. She explains, “My something old was my skis, my something new was my ski outfit, my something borrowed was my veil from a friend, and my something blue were my ski boots!”
Friends and family attended and were welcomed by a HUGE snowstorm that brought as much as 17-inches of snow in some areas. The wedding was originally supposed to take place on the mountain’s summit, but they picked a lower elevation because of the blizzard-like conditions. “We did not anticipate the bomb cyclone!” she said. “It was a wild ride that day. It truly was a nice day for a white wedding!”
The couple even used their vows to show their love for skiing:
- “I said in my vows that it was on thousands of lift rides that I had the honor of getting to know Matt and falling in love with him,” Molly recalls.
- Other lines included, “I promise to wait for you at the bottom of every line we ski and the top of every mountain we climb,” and “I promise to always be by your side, whether waiting in line for first chair on a powder day or skinning up for one last lap after the lifts close.”
This is disgustingly adorable