Spring cleaning time!!!
This isn't just isn’t just a chore they don’t want to deal with, it’s the whole idea of giving up items that’s hard for them.
Author Jandra Sutton she came up with a fix that works for her - a middle step between keeping and discarding things.
- Instead of forcing herself to get rid of things, Sutton added a third category to her closet cleanout - items she hides.
- It’s for the things she’s not ready to ditch or donate but isn’t sure she wants to keep.
- Those things go in the “hide pile” until her next cleanout.
- And because she’s hiding these items from view, she doesn’t feel the guilt of not using or wearing everything and she’s not constantly reminding herself that she bought something she doesn't use.
- Then a couple times a year, she revisits the pile and if she hasn’t used the items since the last cleanout, Sutton says that proves it’s something she doesn’t need and she can easily get rid of it.
I know how amazing I feel when I throw things away!
Source: New York Post