“Cringe posting” looks different for everyone. It could mean excessive hashtags, TMI of a medical issue, or even an unwarranted political hot take. Hussein Kesvani, host of the Ten Thousand Posts podcast says cringe posting “constitutes any kind of post that would be better off as a direct message or a diary entry.”
When the cringe poster is a loved one/partner its difficult to block or unfollow. It’s possible that their online persona is much more embarrassing than who they are in real life. Unfortunately, you’re forced to deal with both personas.
- Their online persona becomes an issue when it ends up affecting your real-life relationship.
- Additionally, it can be exhausting to constantly have to make excuses for your partner
Here’s what to do when you’re dating a cringe poster:
- Determine what it is that makes you uncomfortable about their posts. Are they doing any real harm?
- “Bad ‘jokes’ that offend people, sharing private information on social media, or harassing and targeting users” aren’t just a social media problem; it’s a reflection of who they are as a person.
- If their worst offense is posting smug gym selfies… don’t sweat the small stuff.
- Don’t put their interest or personality down
- Mention that you would prefer if they kept things private or more lowkey
- Set boundaries and choose when to limit social media with your partner