Nick Cannon recently revealed that he introduced Kanye West to Kim Kardashian and still wants them to get back together.
Nick said, "I knew Kim before she was the billionaire mogul that we all know. They might tell the story differently, but I think I’m the person that introduced Kim to Kanye."
He continued, "Because, as we were dating, I can even specifically remember she threw me my 26th birthday party. I had a store on Melrose, and her and her mom threw me this dope party."
He added, "And I think I might have even introduced them, it was at a party. It was me, Paris Hilton, Lil Kim, we was all at my table, and Kanye was just bubbling. I was like, 'Yo, let me introduce you to my man Kanye.'"
Cannon continued, "It was in passing, and I’m pretty sure they did stuff later, but I’m like, 'I was the first to introduce y’all.' So to watch Kanye talk all that s**t to everybody, I was like, 'What about me? I introduced you to her, and now that’s your wife and your baby mama. I was your friend. This was my girl!'"
Nick added, "Because when I did find them getting together, I actually understood it, knowing that those are two people who both lost parents, who were in the public eye, who’ve always been ridiculed. It made so much sense. And they were such a beautiful union, I think I’m rooting for them to get back together, because the kids. That would benefit the kids in a big way. But if not, they’re still gonna figure it out. Kanye said they’re having the best divorce ever. [Laughs.]."