Winston Rider had his game face on before opening up Z100's JingleBall festivities Friday.
Winston's family, friends and classmates helped him win a spot opening up the day. Before his set, he caught up with Maxwell & Crystal at Z100 All Access Lounge backstage in the FILA Interview Lounge to let out some of his pre-show thoughts.
"It's such a special moment today to have them all here for me," he said of all the support her has in the building. "I'm so happy they could make it and watch me do it because I'm so excited for this."
Winston planned to deliver an acoustic guitar-based set of mostly his own songs. He joked that the lights and backup dancers might join him next time out, but he felt confident in what he prepared.
"I'm feeling pretty good for this," he said. "I've done a lot of runs of my setlist and I'm feeling very good for this, and I'm so excited too."
Check out the full conversation via the player above!