Man Dresses In T-Rex Costume Every Day To Bring Joy To His Community

Elana Pratt emailed to brag about her adorable husband Ted, who is doing his part to keep smiles going during this pandemic.

Ted is an essential worker and works security for retail/grocery stores that are staying open. After his 12 hour shifts, he’s usually so tired, but that didn't stop him from bringing joy to his community. After his shifts, Ted has been putting on a T-rex costume and walking 3-4 miles around his neighborhood to spread some cheer! There are a lot of elderly people in the area who just sit on the porch and wait for him to turn up and little kids in the area have started drawing dinosaurs in street chalk on his route.

Once a healthcare worker even pulled over to take a photo, and said, “thank you, I needed that. Today was rough.”

Elana is super proud of her goofball husband and wanted to share her story with us!

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